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 Sensory Processing

Those with a Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) perceive or respond to sensory information differently than most people.  They may be hyper or hypo responsive to sensations, or the brain misinterprets the sensation and gives an inaccurate message to the brain.  SPD can result in a range of challenges for both children or adults.  Some of these challenges may include:

  • High activity levels with difficulty calming down
  • Low activity levels, or often spending time on the floor and not being interested in typical play activities
  • Difficulty playing together with siblings and peers
  • Seemingly aggressive behaviors such as hitting, biting, pushing, or trying to control the activity
  • Withdrawing from groups and playing in isolation or observing peers from a distance
  • Particular about clothing textures, grooming tasks, reactive to being touched or touching everyone and everything in excess
  • Difficulty with sustained attention/focus
  • Low threshold for tolerance - easily and frequently upset

At Silver Pines Therapy we focus on accurately defining specific sensations and brain processes that are involved for the client.  We work to educate the family, care providers, individual and/or child to understand sensory processing and learn how to manage these needs on a daily basis.